How it works
Simply choose your field location, date and time and pay through our secure online payment system.
You will immediately be sent a confirmation email with the date and time of your booking along with your secure 4-digit gate code (see image below). Make a note of this code as it will only work on the date, time and field you booked for. If you forget it, simply login and click ’my sessions’ where you can view the details for all your upcoming sessions (here you can also rearrange them up to 24 hours before your session).
If you would like to purchase 4 or more sessions in one booking you will receive 10% off! Once you’ve selected your first session, click the ‘book another session?’ button. Once you have booked 4 or more sessions you will automatically get a 10% discount on the total.
2. Upon Arrival
Make a note of the location and postcode of the field so you can easily find it (a google map shows the location for each field).
Upon arrival please park in the signposted area for your field. For Muttley and Bolt fields please drive carefully up the track up to the top car park, giving way to any vehicles coming down the track. Be aware that other customers may be leaving Lassie field and use extreme caution whilst passing.
Please remain in your vehicle until the previous users have got into theirs to avoid upset to anxious or aggressive dogs and to keep everyone safe. Please try not to arrive early to avoid having to wait in your car with excited dogs!
Please be aware that due to planning restrictions there is to be no more than six customer vehicles on this car park at any one time.
Please only bring up to three cars per field.
Put your dog on a lead from your car to your field. Please check that there are no dogs from the session before that are still in the field.
Enter your gate code (this will work from the start of your session, on the hour). Once inside, make sure the gate is closed behind you.
On the inside of the gate you will see a chrome gate hook. Please close this as an additional safety measure. Now all you need to do is Release The Dogs!
3. At the end of your 50 minute session
Bookings start on the hour or half-hour depending on the field you choose and last for 50 minutes so you must vacate the field ten minutes before the next session begins so there is as little crossover between dogs as possible.
Before leaving, put your dog on a lead, unhook the gate hookand close the gate behind you.
Please keep your dogs on a lead when anywhere outside of the secure field and be aware that other customers using the field before or after you may have aggressive dogs, so please always keep them separated.
Try not to arrive too early for your session as some of the more reactive dogs can be upset by even being aware of dogs in another vehicle. Likewise, please try not to loiter in the car park area after your session for the same reason.
Please keep left and drive carefully out of the site as other users may be leaving or arriving. Give way to vehicles entering the site. Please be aware that a cycle path crosses the entrance so pay particular attention to cyclists and pedestrians using the pavement.
Please note:
Your dog remains your responsibility at all times.
Our fields are regularly checked for cleanliness, security issues and litter but please do pick up your own dog poo and dispose of it in the bins provided. When dogs are playing, it can be missed so if you come across any other dog poo please pick it up and hopefully someone will do the same for you! Let’s keep it clean for all of us to enjoy. If you notice any other maintenance issues please report it to us through our contact page as soon as possible so we can get it fixed and keep it safe.
Our fields are open, rural spaces that may have natural features such as hillocks, molehills, streams, puddles, mud, logs and anything else you might find in the great outdoors. And although we try hard to fill any holes that may have been dug by dogs, we cannot guarantee that there will not be any, so please be careful, especially outside of daylight hours as we cannot take responsibility for any accidents that occur whilst using our fields.
If you need to change your booking, as long as it is earlier than 24 hours before you were due to arrive, you can login and edit your booking there. If you need to cancel your booking please use our contact page for help. Please note we cannot cancel within 24 hours of the booked slot or for inclement or hot weather. Please use the shelter provided.
For more info, please view the FAQs. If you can’t find the answer to your query there, please contact us.