Terms & Conditions

Please read and agree to all of the terms and conditions outlined below before making a booking.

  • Bookings start either on the hour or the half hour, depending on which field you have booked so you MUST VACATE THE FIELD AFTER 50 MINUTES so there is as little cross over between dogs as possible. Please keep your dogs on a lead when anywhere outside of the secure field area and be aware that other customers using the field before or after you may have aggressive or sensitive dogs. Please keep dogs and users separated at all times.

  • Try not to arrive too early for your session as some of the more reactive dogs can be upset by even being aware of dogs in another vehicle. Likewise, please try not to loiter in the car park area after your session for the same reason.

  • For Muttley and Bolt fields please drive carefully up the track up to the top car park, giving way to any vehicles coming down the track. Be aware that other customers may be leaving Lassie field and use extreme caution whilst passing.

  • Bookings can be changed or cancelled up to 24 hours ahead of the session. Simply log in and click ‘my sessions’ to change your booking or contact us to cancel and receive a refund.

  • Please check the weather forecast at least 24 hours before your session as we cannot change or cancel bookings within 24 hours of the session if it is too hot, wet, windy, cold, snowy, stormy etc.

  • Any cancellations within 24 hours of the booked slot must be paid for. However, if you contact us we can release the session and will refund you if it is re-booked.

  • Do not offer your session to anyone else. Since you are the name on our records who has agreed to our terms and conditions, you will be liable for any breaches the other person make make. If you cannot make a session, either reschedule (log in and click my sessions) or contact us to cancel the session. If it is within the 24 hour period we can release the session and will refund you if it is re-booked.

  • If you have edited a booking be sure to update your diary and delete any reference to your original booking so that you don’t forget and turn up at your original booking time. Since you would already have the gate code, it means that you could enter the field whilst another customer is already on, or vice versa. Even if your dogs are friendly, theirs may not be and this could be catastrophic. As well as these risks it also means you will be liable for any damages. To be certain, login on the website and click ‘my sessions’ to see all your currently active bookings.

  • If you allow anyone to join you it is your responsibility to make sure that they are aware of all how the fields work, our rules and terms and conditions including a maximum of 3 cars per field (see parking restrictions below).

  • If visiting outside of daylight hours please note we do not have lighting so it will be dark. Please take a torch and do not book if you are concerned.

  • Wear sensible footwear and clothing. We accept no liability for any damage to clothing, leads, harnesses or toys whilst using our facilities.

  • Your dog/s remain your responsibility at all times. Do not leave your dog/s unattended in the field at any time.

  • Please pick up your own dog’s poo and dispose of it in the bin provided.

  • Please pick up any poo you may see that others may have missed so as to keep the field clean for everyone to enjoy.

  • Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times when in the car park. This is not only for the safety of your own dog but for the safety of other customers dogs who may be anxious or aggressive. Wherever possible please remain in your vehicle until the previous users have got into theirs.

  • Please dispose of any litter or food you may bring in the general waste bin provided (in the shelter). Other dogs may ingest anything left on the field so please be careful and responsible for other users.

  • The maximum number of dogs on the field is 8.

  • Our fields and fences are regularly checked to make sure they are secure but if you see any issues please report it to us through our contact page as soon as possible so we can get it fixed. We accept no responsibility for any dog that escapes. Your dog/s remain your responsibility at all times.

  • All our fences comply with the standard recommended height for secure dog fields of 6 feet so it is vital that if you think your dog might be capable of jumping over a 6 foot high fence then do not risk allowing your dog to run free in one of our fields.

  • Dogs that have suffered from illness, sickness or diarrhea in the past 48 hours are not permitted in the fields. This is for the safety of all other dogs.

  • Puppies must be at least 8 weeks old and have had all their necessary injections before using the field.

  • All dogs using the field must be up to date on vaccinations and flea, tick and worming treatments plus any other relevant medications for conditions they may have.

  • Use of the fields is at your own discretion. Release the Dogs accept no liability for any illness, loss, damage, accident, injury, theft or death of any user, human or animal, that may occur whilst using our fields. Please insure your pet before using our fields, lock any belongings securely in your car and be aware of your surroundings at all times.

  • Your car and possessions remain your responsibility at all times. Release The Dogs accept no responsibility for theft or damage to your vehicle or belongings whilst using our fields.

  • If you bring any dog toys or equipment for your use during your booking you must take these home with you at the end of your session.

  • Release the Dogs Limited grants each customer the right to occupy the selected field for a period of 50 minutes per session for an agreed payment. You have the sole right to occupy this field and exclude others for the duration of your booking.


    Up to 8 dogs can be booked onto a field at any one time. If you would like to bring more dogs, please get in touch and we may be able to help. Booking both fields at once means that you will be able to bring up to 16 dogs but please be aware of the recent parking restriction (outlined below) placed on us by the local council:

    This planning condition means that there is to be no more than six customer vehicles on the car park at any one time. Please only bring up to three cars per field OR if you would like to book both fields at the same time you can park up to six cars in the car park. Street parking is available around the area but we would encourage car sharing if possible.

    Remember when in a group it is easy to get chatting, but you must keep an eye on your dogs at all times and pick up their poo as well as being considerate to other users. Please keep your dogs in the car until the previous customers have left and always park outside the field you booked in order to leave plenty of room for the customers to park outside the other field (unless you have booked both fields).

    Please keep an eye on the time and get all of your dogs back in the cars and leave the car park as quickly as possible after your session. Remember a session is 50 minutes long but feel free to book two consecutive sessions in order to spend 1 hour and 50 minutes having a good play.


    In order to meet the requirements of our insurance, if you are bringing an XL Bully Breed to the fields, from 31st December 2023 you must comply with the following criteria:

  • The dog is registered with the index of exempted dog (IED) and you have uploaded a copy of the life certificate to us in the event of a claim

  • A copy of the public liability insurance certificate for the dog is obtained and you have uploaded a copy to us in the event of a claim

  • If the household has more than 1 dog, they can come to the field together as long as they have a minimum of 1 handler. All dogs leads and muzzles can be removed once in the field including the XL Bully. 

    If there are dogs from different households, the banned breed will need to remain muzzled and on a lead at all times with a 1:1 handler.

  • The dog is Neutered

    Owners will be required to provide proof that their dog has been neutered by a certain date, depending on the age of the dog. If an XL Bully is less than one year old on 31 January 2024, it must be neutered by 31 December 2024. If an XL Bully is older than one year old on 31 January 2024, it must be neutered by 30 June 2024.

  • The dog is Micro Chipped.

  • The dog is kept on a lead and muzzled until the gate is shut when entering the field 

  • The dog is put back on a lead and muzzled before opening the gate to leave the field